This morning my six-year-old logged in early to his class. It was their pre-class chat time. The time where pre COVID, kids would have stood in line outside class and bonded with each other. The kids have adapted to this virtual link-up time. They logged in one by one sharing little updates. One wanted to share where they were eating dinner, another wanted to show a pumpkin, a hat, a song, a greeting…the volume began to rise. Until noone could understand what anyone was saying. Then, above the cackling, a little girl spoke, “When we all speak, I can’t hear anything. It’s like AAAAAAH. Can we take turns?” The class took the cue and quietened down. Now if only we could all conduct ourselves like that, especially during presidential debates. Sigh.
#thingskidssay #youngwisdom #notsopresidential #areyousmarterthanafirstgrader #kindergartenrocks